Green Giant Idaho Russett Potatoes 5lb bag $.98 each
BOGO coupon PRINT = 10lbs for $.98
Now we just need to come up with some recipes for freezing them.
Thanks Nancy
Okay, so I’ve found out that you can’t freeze raw potatoes, you can however boil them till they are almost done and then freeze them.
My idea is to cut the potatoes into chunks for mashed potatoes and oven fries, slices for potato casseroles and fried potatoes, shoestring for French fries and shred for hash browns.
Any other ideas????
When I was little I remember my mom making twice baked potatoes and freezing them. It is such a process that it makes sense to make a lot and freeze them. Have fun!
Rebecca K.
I used to do that all the time when my kids were growing up. I used to buyb a 50 lb bag of potatoes. Also, if you have a dehydrator, you can dry thin slices for au gratin potatoes. It is better if you can freeze the potatoes in a deep freeze, in a single layer on a cookie sheet. The quicker the freeze the better.
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