Life happens

So , my intent with this blog is to post as many deals as I can find for you guys. Well this past week there have been pretty few posts from me. I apologize about this. I could list everything out, I take a class during the week, I've been sick, had some personal problems I had to deal with, and a new addition to the family (a dog).
Basically life got in the way.  Well I am going to try and be more vigilant about posting here for all that need it.

So with that said, did you all see that coupon for FREE Kitten Chow in sundays SmartSource?? It is for a very small bag though. If anyone finds this size bag let me know. I would love to pick these up to donate to St Francis House Animal services.
I am hoping to have Publix ad up this afternoon, as soon as Michelle gets it posted.
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